Deutsche Textilrecycling-Werke

DTRW helps!

DTRW helps in KarlsruheFor DTRW as a social engaged company it is self-evident to support welfare-groups and associations. As of now DTRW will regularly donate money, and as a company with activities in whole germany we
are going to spread the charitable donations over the whole country. At first Sibylle Beck from ‚Kinder und Jugend Arche‘ (Children and youth arch) from Karlsruhe could be pleased about a chepue whith a value of 333Euro. The ‚Kinder und Jugend Arche‘ advocates children and young people in financial and social distresses since 2011. It gives them a wholesome meal, support with homework, artistic workshops, a lot of possibilitys for playing like Billard or tabletennis and makes creative offers like painting, dancing or handicraft.